JAT is accepting submissions
The Journal of Audiovisual Translation (www.jatjournal.org) warmly welcomes article submissions all year round (for the regular issues).
The next regular issue is scheduled for autumn 2019 and articles submitted by 30 April 2019 can still be considered for publication in 2019. All contributions should be submitted through the online submission system.
At the same time we are working on a special issue on Understanding Media Accessibility Quality: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches scheduled for November 2019. Deadline for paper submission is 15 April 2019. All contributions should be submitted through the online submission system.
As the only dedicated academic journal on the field of audiovisual translation, The Journal of Audiovisual Translation (JAT) encourages the submission of original research papers in the field of audiovisual translation (AVT) and media accessibility in areas including subtitling (or captioning), audio description (AD), dubbing and voice-over. We welcome contributions on traditional media such as television and film, new media, live events, opera, theatre, museums and other contexts. We welcome both theoretical and empirical contributions that meet a high standard of scholarship and contribute new knowledge on the discipline. We also encourage interdisciplinary studies within the broader discipline of Translation Studies, but also with psychology, cognitive science, media studies, communication studies, sociology, linguistics, inclusive design, accessibility studies and other areas.